We have many opportunities for women of faith to celebrate and share together!
Advent by Candlelight
At the beginning of Advent, women (junior high on up) enjoy a lovely evening of decorations, dessert, fellowship, music and meditation as we prepare our hearts for Christmas. This annual event, sponsored by our LWML, is a great time to invite family, friends and neighbors.
Secret Prayer Sisters
We invite all the women of BSLC to sign up each year to be a Secret Prayer Sister. Throughout the year your sister in Christ is remembered with prayer, encouraging notes and small gifts. At the end of the year a “revealing” party is held.
Women’s Retreat
Each year, in late winter, the women of Beautiful Savior gather for a two-day spiritual growth retreat at an offsite location.
LWML – Lutheran Women in Mission
The focus of LWML is mites, mission, service, and mentoring. We seek to be Christ-centered, relevant, mission-focused and affirming. We are involved in monthly mission projects like LUMA Food Pantry, Christmas gift bags for Catholic Charities, Armed Forces Care Packages, Lutheran World Relief, etc. or contribute money via the mission envelopes or mite boxes. LWML also supports personal Christian growth by holding Bible studies, providing devotions, and providing other resources to help women grow in their faith.